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Child focus in NVR

The vulnerabilities of young people with conduct problems are largely obscured by their aggressive behaviour. Aggression also leads to alienation between them and their parents, carers, teachers, and other adults. This alienation further inhibits the recognition of young people’s distress by significant others. Following on from an introduction to the theoretical background and therapeutic methodology of the NVR approach, this article examines the need for a child focus in parents’ or carers’ nonviolent resistance to violent and destructive behaviour; it further outlines some therapeutic possibilities that are inherent in NVR reconciliation work, when reconciliation gestures are used to raise the awareness of young people’s unmet needs.

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Peter Jakob

Taal Engels

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Parental presence and aggressive proneness

The development of child aggressiveness is a function of the interaction between the child’s inborn expansive restlessness and the parents’ ability to restrain it by an affirmation of parental presence. Parental presence is manifested by acts that convey the message that the parents will not give up their parental role and will "stay there" in person and in duty whatever happens. The lack of parental presence, that manifests itself either by parental giving in or by alternations of parental hostile outbursts with giving in, leads to the aggravation and perpetuation of the child’s aggressiveness. Parental presence is an integrative concept linked to behavioral views on effective discipline, to the views of attachment theory on the need for a secure parental figure and to systemic ideas on parental systemic support and weakening. A practical approach to the parents of aggressive children is derived from the model, leading to distinctive predictions.

Gegevens indiener Prof. Haim Omer
Taal Engels

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Non-violent resistance and violence against siblings

A parent-training approach to the treatment of violence against siblings according to the principles of non-violent resistance was developed aiming at resisting the violence, providing protection to the victims and reducing escalation between the parents and the violent child.

Gegevens indiener Irit Schorr Sapir
Taal Engels

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Nonviolent resistance. Choosing for watchful and warm parenting

This article gives a summary of the main principles of non-violent resistance and the new authority. The following topics are covered: Haim Omer’s view on parental authority as described in his latest book, the importance of vigilant care in the upbringing and the main features of a NVR-intervention (resistance of difficult behavior, avoidance of any form of violence, support and reconciliation). Finally, the broad scope and possibilities of this approach as elaborated and applied in Israel and across European countries is described.

Gegevens indiener Frank Van Holen
Taal Nederlands
Opmerkingen Van Holen, F. & Vanderfaeillie, J. (2010). Geweldloos verzet. Kiezen voor een waakzame en warme opvoeding. Alert,4, 70-77

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NVR implementations in residential setting

The principles of the new authority are focused on structuring authority and presence for authority figures. One of the main benefits of these principles is their flexibility which allows for their application, subject to relevant adjustments, in a variety of fields having to do with juvenile behavior. In this paper I will describe how these principles may be applied in residential settings..

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Idan Amiel

Taal Engels

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Ik laat je niet los Een
gestructureerde methodiek voor ‘nieuwe autoriteit’ van Haim Omer
Traditioneel gezag tussen ouders en kinderen is in westerse samenlevingen snel aan het verdwijnen. Daarmee ontberen ouders houvast in de opvoeding. Een ingewikkelde levensfase zoals de puberteit kan dan gemakkelijker ontsporen. Ouders en jongere lopen het risico terecht te komen in zichzelf-versterkende negatieve interactiecirkels. Haim Omer ontwikkelde een nieuwe opvatting van ouderlijk gezag die beter past in de moderne tijd en de ouders helpt effectieve ouders van pubers te zijn: ‘geweldloos verzet’ of ‘nieuwe autoriteit’. In Almere Stad hebben wij hiervoor een gestructureerd behandelingsmodel ontwikkeld, waarbij meerdere bronnen van sociale steun worden ingezet om de ouders bij deze verandering te steunen, zoals een oudergroep, het eigen netwerk van het gezin, en de school. In dit artikel wordt deze methodiek beschreven.
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Lenny Rodenburg & Henk Breugem

Taal Nederlands